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Application Forms

I led the development effort for building the online application forms for PetRock, a company that provides access to the crypto markets through actively managed funds.

The forms were incredibly large and had many common fields, for example: capturing identity details and address information for separate people in the application. Unfortunately these common fields were subtly different enough that it was tricky to make them reusable.

However, after battling with it for a few hours I managed to strike the balance and made it as painless as I think react allows us when dealing with forms.

After filling out all the forms, we would capture the user's signature (either via file upload or with a digital signature pad component), and then generate a pdf version, which the user could later download.

Fund Management System

I planned out and was responsible for building the fund management system, the goal of which was to enable fund managers to track and manage individual investors' funds and crypto positions.

While we never finished this system, my personal highlight was building the functionality to determine what portion of the rewards an individual user is owed based on how much they had in a shared crypto position over a compounding period.

This had to be resilient against people trying to manipulate it by depositing funds toward the end. This was challenging to build, and quite rewarding once all the tests came back green.